An entirely digital campaign was designed for the launch of the Audi Q2, the title of which was the hashtag #untaggable. What was meant by this was the versatility of the vehicle – i.e. the property of not being able to pigeonhole the car. My task was to create the Audi Q2 event design and concept for the global launch events, while not neglecting the digital aspect. The associated #untaggable event format consisted of two components: the #untaggable Audi Q2 and the #taggable room. This #taggable room is a white space with different objects that can be tagged by visitors during the event.
It was important to design a room that was as eclectic as possible with many objects from the areas of interest of the event guests and thus the target group. Only the Audi Q2 cannot be tagged in the truest sense of the word in order to exaggerate the core message of the campaign once again. This effect was realized with optical tracking.
The premiere event took place during the Salone del Mobile in Milan and framed the Audi City Lab Exhibition on the subject of lighting design.
The idea received the Red Dot Award in 2016.
Personal Contribution
Idea, Design, Concept & Production
The concept design for the Audi Q2 Launch was created during my time as creative director at Mutabor Design in Hamburg.
Video Link: Mutabor Design